• Alexandria Morgan is 25 years old and 5ft 10ins (177 cm) tall.
• She has a net worth of over $300,000.
• She is Caucasian with blonde hair and blue eyes.
• She is active on Twitter and Instagram and has a YouTube channel.
• She began her modeling career with Glamour Models and has since worked with Guess and Vogue Italia.

Short Info

SpouseServando Carrasco

Alexandria Morgan’s Age and Height

Alexandria Morgan was born on 27 December 1993, in Illinois, USA which means that she is 25 years old and her zodiac sign is Capricorn. Morgan, whose nationality is American, is best known as a model, and in that field she has worked on projects such as GUESS and TomTom. Being successful in that field, Alexandria gained recognition among the audience, which also poses some questions regarding her early life and formative years, and we’ll talk about that further in the article. Morgan is 5ft 10ins (177 cm) tall.

Net Worth

So just how rich is Alexandria Morgan as of mid-2019? According to authoritative sources, this model  has a net worth of over $300,000, with her wealth being accumulated from her career in the previously mentioned field. However, she hasn’t spoken about her assets, such as vehicles and houses, remaining humble. Nonetheless, she is seemingly able to take care of herself financially.

Ethnicity and Background

Speaking about Morgan’s ethnicity, she is Caucasian and has blonde hair and blue eyes, which suits her complexion perfectly. Judging from the photos available on the internet, Morgan has a fit figure and takes good care of her appearance, indicating that she puts time and effort into her looks. As of her education, she was a student of King’s College in New York and spent one years studying there.

Alexandria Morgan

Social Media

Morgan is in the entertainment field, which naturally means that she is active on social media, which she uses to promote her work as well as to communicate with her fans. Morgan has Twitter and Instagram accounts, and is followed by 34,000 people on the former and 121,000 on the latter. Some of her latest posts on Twitter include a Tweet reading “I love my career despite all this and want to work to do all I can to make this industry better for all the models in. So I cannot stand silent on my experience.” She’s shared some posts about the struggles she’s had in modeling, and her followers have appreciated her honesty.


Morgan shares photos from her private life on Instagram, allowing her followers to take a closer look at what’s going on behind the scenes. She has recently posted a photo of herself wearing a ‘70s inspired blouse, and went on to add that, while she likes the aesthetic, she doesn’t support the lack of rights for people of color, women and LGBT population had. “We’ve got a long way to go but we’ve come so far through love, understanding, educating and checking that privilege at the door”, she wrote. Her followers seem to have loved the photo, as they went on to compliment her on her looks. In addition to that, she posted a photo of herself and jokingly spoke about her pose, adding that she needs to stop biting her nails.

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*insert riff raff summertime vine*

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Relationship Status and Boyfriend

Despite being a public figure, Morgan enjoys keeping some information behind closed doors, which also includes her dating history and her relationship status. This has led many to believe that she might be single, but all that matters is that she’s happy. She has never been married, and doesn’t have any children, but who knows what the future holds for her.

YouTube Career

In addition to being a model, Alexandria is also a YouTuber, and in that field, she makes money through paid promotions, and every time an ad is displayed with her videos. She made her debut in 2016, when she uploaded the video entitled “HOW TO LOOK LIKE A MODEL?! (EASY MODEL MAKEUP ROUTINE)”. Gaining success with that video, she went on to make more videos, such as “MODEL WORKOUT ROUTINE: EASY AB WORKOUT”, in which she showed her subscribers how she works out in order to maintain her physique.

In December of the same year, she made the video entitled “HOW I BECAME A MODEL”, and shared her modeling journey with her fans. The mentioned video has been watched by half a million people, and Alexandria’s meteoric rise to fame began then. Shortly afterwards, she uploaded “opening up about my anxiety disorder”, speaking about her mental health.

Most Successful Videos

Having a lot on her plate, Morgan has produced a lot of successful videos, acquiring millions of views. Her most popular videos include “WHAT I EAT IN A DAY AS A FASHION MODEL”, with 3.9 million views, “MODEL SKINCARE ROUTINE”, which has been watched 1.7 million times, and “HOW TO CAKE YOUR FACE WITHOUT MAKEUP”. In some of her other videos, this model showed her audience how she thrifty she is, which they seem to have liked as well.

Most Recent Videos

When it comes to Alexandria’s most recent videos, those include “Thirty Second Cover: “I Can’t Tell You Why”, “ Eagles”, “i got verified on instagram and felt…nothing???” and “MODEL DIET: VEGAN GROCERY HAUL”. Overall, she has 340,000 subscribers and her audience is constantly growing as she keeps uploading quality content.

Modeling Career

Alexandria began her modeling career when she was recruited to Glamour Models by scout Heather Bozzone. In 2014, she was the subject of a scandal, when the TomTom ad she starred in was banned for nudity. She has also worked for other brands, such as Guess, and appeared in Vogue Italia. Overall, being a hardworking young woman has allowed Alexandria to make a name for herself, and gain more exposure in the media and we are sure that a lot of new projects are awaiting her.

General Info

Salary450,000 USD
ProfessionWriter, Soccer Player


SpouseServando Carrasco


TV ShowsThe Kicks

Social profile links

Source: IMDb, Wikipedia

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