• Mary Kathleen Mohler Kenda is the wife of Joe Kenda, star of the documentary crime show “Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda”.
• Joe Kenda is a retired police detective lieutenant from Colorado Springs Police Department, with an impressive 92% closure rate.
• Mary and Joe have been together since high school, and have two sons, Dan and Kris.
• Joe is a highly sought-after expert in solving crime, and is featured on television in the documentary crime show named after him.
• Mary Kathleen's net worth is estimated to be around $100,000, while Joe's is estimated to be over $600,000.

Short Info

Date Of BirthAugust 28, 1946
SpouseMary Kathleen Mohler Kenda
FactRetired Colorado Springs police detective for 23 years.

Who is Mary Kathleen Mohler Kenda?

Born Mary Kathleen Mohler on an unspecified date in an unidentified part of the USA, Mary Kathleen ‘Kathy’ Mohler Kenda is a Caucasian woman of an unknown profession. She is definitely best known to the world for being the wife of Joe Kenda, the star of the documentary crime show entitled “Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda”, in over nine seasons since 2011. There is not enough data to suggest that she has had any professional successes of her own over the course of her mysterious career. Regarding her early life, as well as any other part of her career, there is not enough information across authoritative sources to inform the public on this matter. The only known fact about her youth is that she attended Greensburg Central Catholic High School, where she met her future husband.

When did Mary become famous?

The fans of the aforementioned show were generally informed that Joe has a family since the first episode, but details regarding his wife and children remained unknown until February 6 2019, when the episode entitled “Married to the Job” aired on television. Mary then appeared on screen along with their two children, and fans have been anxious to know more about her ever since.

Who is Joe Kenda?

Born Joseph Patrick Kenda under the sign of Virgo on the 28th of August 1946 in Herminie, Pennsylvania USA, Joe Kenda is a 72-year-old retired police detective lieutenant from Colorado Springs Police Department, as well as a documentary television star as of 2011. He is considered to be one of the USA’s most successful police detectives of all time, owing to his 92% closure rate. He achieved a substantial amount of success over the course of his prominent police force career from 1973 to 1996, while he is now a highly sought-after expert in solving crime, and is thus featured on television in the documentary crime show named after him.

Early Life and Education: The Making of a Legend

Kenda was raised apparently an only child in his birthplace by his father, who was a coal miner, and his mother, who hails from Colorado Springs (where he would later immortalize his legacy), both of unknown names. His uncle and grandfather were also present during his childhood, and worked in the mine alongside his father. As for his early interests, Kenda was fascinated with criminal minds, especially those intent on taking human life. One of the famous moments from his childhood took place when he was visiting the Pittsburgh Zoo and ran into a sign right next to the primate house, which stated ‘Around this corner is the most dangerous animal on Earth.’ – when he entered, he realized he was looking into a mirror. This event, along with the local goings on during Kenda’s youth, is what made a contribution to his already curious mind, and helped him easily decide what he was going to be in the future. As for his education, he attended Greensburg Central Catholic High School, Pennsylvania, from where he matriculated in 1964. He then enrolled in the University of Pittsburgh, from where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, and then in 1970 a master’s degree in international relations from Ohio State University.

Detective Career: An Unlikely Turn

Kenda first had big dreams about working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but they turned out to be short-lived after his graduation, since the interview with CIA officials did not go as planned. This event confused Joe for a while, and he took on a position in his father’s trucking business until he figured out how his career would proceed. He kept this job for three years, until in 1973 he moved with Mary Kathleen Mohler Kenda and their two children to his mother’s birthplace, Colorado Springs, where he ultimately joined the police force. Thanks to the brilliance of his service in the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD), Kenda became a detective in a relatively short time, at which point he moved to the homicide unit.

Joe Kenda

CSPD’s Best Decision of All Time

Over the course of his detective career, Joe Kenda worked on a total of 387 homicide cases, of which he failed to solve only 31, making for a nearly unsurpassed 92% closure rate. Only a select few of all the detectives in the US have ever claimed to be more successful than Kenda, one of whom is Gene Miller from the Tacoma Police Department, with a 100% closure rate. As Joe stated for one of the numerous articles that now exist about him, he owes his success to the fact that he was an eternal student of human nature, and that he was good at recognizing when people weren’t telling the truth.

Mary Kathleen’s Involvement

Even though Kenda was performing immaculately at work, his wife Mary was constantly worried that something would happen to him, ranging from a mere injury to the worst possible scenario. There were even nights when she would wait for him with the lights on to confront him about her everyday stress, and ask him to abandon the force. After years of mild pressure, Joe began considering the end of his career. Three years before he made the decision, in 1993 he moved with his family to Falcon, Colorado. One of the most shocking moments, and the incident that is most likely to have caused Kenda to resign, was the moment when a 74-year-old witnessed pedophile entered the station. Since all of the interrogation rooms were full at the time, Kenda received the man in his office and began questioning him. The criminal at one point stated that his five-year-old grandson was the one who initiated the act, which caused Kenda to nearly kill the man on the spot, having to be restrained by his colleagues. Joe turned in his resignation the very next morning, on 1st September 1996. In order to ease his emotionally difficult transition into a common citizen, Kenda worked as a special needs school bus driver from 1998 to 2008.

Television Career: A Celebrated Expert

In 2009, Kenda was contacted by the then-editor Patrick Bryant regarding the creation of a TV series that would revolve around Joe’s inspiring career. The negotiations were initially slow due to Kenda’s lack of interest, but by mid-2010, the two managed to create a five-minute sizzle reel that encompassed the kind of content that the show would bring to the screen. Bryant contacted FOX21 Studios in Los Angeles, California, and his proposal was quickly adopted and shopped around to various TV networks. Investigation Discovery claimed the production rights in 2010, and the show began in 2011.


Once a Detective, Always a Detective

One of the most admirable of Kenda’s virtues is the fact that he was always a simple man, and that unlike many others who took his path after their career, he did not allow fame to change him. Before production started, he was asked by the producers to read a few lines from the script, to which he replied ‘I’m not an actor. I’m a policeman. If you want me to tell you about this case, I will. If you want me to read that, get somebody else. Shoot 15 minutes of film without a script. If you don’t like what you see, I’ll read your script.’ The producers loved Kenda’s narrative so much that they never asked him to read a script again, and that is how every single episode of “Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda” is done today – not a single word Joe utters has been written. The show itself has also been performing quite admirably since the day of its release, with an 8.9 out of 10 rating on the Internet Movie Database, which puts it among some of the highest rated documentary crime series of all time.

Love Life: High School Sweethearts

There isn’t much information about the beginnings of Joe and Mary’s relationship, but it is a known fact that they started dating while in high school, and that they’ve been together ever since. They joined hands in marriage on the 26th of December 1967, and have since had two sons –  Dan, a now retired US Navy commander, while Kris is a retired US Air Force major. Both of them, along with their mother, appeared in the abovementioned episode of Kenda’s show. As of 2017, Mary Kathleen and Joe reside in the Tidewater region of Virginia. There has never been any controversy surrounding their union.

Joe Kenda and Mary Kathleen Mohler Kenda

What is Mary Kathleen Mohler Kenda’s Net Worth?

Have you ever wondered how rich Mary Kathleen Mohler Kenda is, as of early 2019? According to various authoritative sources, it has been estimated that the total of Mary Kathleen’s accumulated wealth is close to $100,000, while her husband’s net worth is estimated by sources at over $600,000, earned by lending his invaluable expertise to two police departments, most prominently to CSPD, and by sharing highly educational information about his career in the popular documentary crime series named after him. He is a retired detective, but as long as the show’s production continues, the said amount is expected to increase.

Social Media Presence

Thanks to the ever expanding grasp that social media has on worldwide audiences, it is in the best interests of most celebrities to keep their fans informed about their activities and thus maintain and potentially increase their rating and profit. However, it doesn’t appear as though Mary Kathleen Kohler Kenda is at all preoccupied with maintaining her involvement in this trend, seeing as her presence on social networks is all but ubiquitous at the moment; Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts don’t exist. That said, her husband can still be found on his Facebook profile with over 10,000 followers, and his Twitter account with over 50,000 fans.

General Info

Full NameJoe Kenda
Date Of BirthAugust 28, 1946
Place Of BirthHerminie, Sewickley Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Height1.82 m


SpouseMary Kathleen Mohler Kenda


MoviesA Handsome Mystery Movie: "A Lil Dab'll Do Ya"

Social profile links


1Retired Colorado Springs police detective for 23 years.




Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda2011-2016TV SeriesHimself - Host / Himself - Lt., Homicide Detective / Homicide Investigator / ...
I (Almost) Got Away with It: What Would Kenda Do?2014TV SeriesHimself - Host

Source: IMDb, Wikipedia


  1. Cathy Korva Reply

    You took off the best show off the air when you took homicide Hunter it would be to put it back on now

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